
The Lieutenancy of Argyll & Bute comprises the local authority area of Argyll & Bute excluding the local authority wards of South Lomond, Helensburgh and North Lomond. Those wards form part of the Lieutenancy of Dunbartonshire.

The Lord Lieutenant is appointed by the Sovereign on the recommendations of the First Minister and the Prime Minister.

The duty of the Lord-Lieutenant is to represent the Sovereign in his or her Lieutenancy. The duties include arranging and hosting Royal Visits, presenting Honours and awards, involvement with the military, whether regular, reserve or cadets, visiting those with significant anniversaries (e.g. a centenary or a diamond wedding anniversary) and encouraging the nomination for honours and awards.

A Lord-Lieutenant and his or her Deputes are required to retire at the age of 75.

Here is the Lord-Lieutenants Profile.